The IdeasVoice Blog
Ideas, tips & great projects


November 20, 2012

EPITECH INNOVATIVE PROJECTS 2013 – IDEASVOICE in the jury of the 7th Edition

On the 16th and 17th November 2012 takes place the 7th Edition of the Epitech Inovative Projects 2013.
IDEASVOICE was a member of the Jury.


Epitech Innovative Project EIP

Among the 70 projects, the EIP 2013 jury has long debated on 8 promising projects. He attributed the EIP Awards 2013 to Visual LSFRealCar and tNETacle.

Visual LSF  is an interactive educational software to learn French Sign Language (LSF) from a webcam. It is intended both for deaf, hard of hearing or speech impairment and their families.

Real Car offers car races with an onboard camera. It helps to be at the heart of the action and live inside racing, while a dedicated application allows to control it remotely.

tNETacle  is a virtual private network (VPN) decentralized. A VPN allows you to set up a secure connection between multiple machines across a public network like Internet. However, it still appears as a specific, closed network, allowing more possible uses and sharing and better confidentiality.

IDEASVOICE liked also Engine Bean as it eases access to technologies for the development of video games on smartphone. Learn more by reading this interesting  article de L’Express L’Entreprise.

We wish that those great projects will give life to beautiful promising companies !


L’Epitech Innovative Project (EIP)

The Epitech Innovative Project (EIP) is a separate project in the curriculum Epitech. By the third year, students meet in groups to find the idea that will guide them for 2 years until the end of their studies at school.
The Forum EIP is a unique opportunity to meet more than 70 student groups Epitech, all having of an innovative and clever project which uses the latest technologies.