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Staff Pick IdeasVoice : CryRx, On-Demand Anxiety Relief for mental wellness

March 29, 2018

Learn more about CryRx, founded by Momachi, to provide mental wellness support to relieve anxiety.


CryRx is an international mental wellness platform that offers personalized anxiety relief and support. The CryRx product enables users to track, monitor and learn about their specific types of anxiety. CryRx focuses on high-quality mental wellness comprehension support, regardless of any user’s socio-economic background. CryRx is a firm believer that mental wellness support is a right, not a privilege with a large price tag attached.

CryRx has built out an artificial anxiety trainer, Crystal, who walks users through their challenges by helping them learn the right coping tools for them. Momachi launched CryRx very naturally, in an effort to recreate the digital experience for anxiety support.  Momachi says that Crystal is like a best friend holding your hand through stressful times, explaining to you exactly what is going on in your mind.

CryRx began re-designing how people learn about their life anxiety, where it stems from, and how to channel it in the most productive way for their personality types. The heart and core of CryRx lies on the foundation that life comes with its complications, and everyone deserves an opportunity to learn about how to cope with the challenges of their own minds. CryRx is a free mobile application, available to download on the app store as of mid-2018.

Prototypes of CryRx have resonated with people who battle Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Social Anxiety, Relational Anxiety, Interpersonal Anxiety, as well as people with a variety of other externalized and internalized types of anxiety.

Whether it be listening to a guided meditations or testing out a personal stress relief kit, test users have shared that they learn a lot about not only how to cope with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), but also how to ease the difficulty it brings into their own lives. It’s an easy daily check-in that helps users set the right goals, and then document that growth over time. It’s not about solving anxiety or eliminating it, but rather supporting anxiety by channeling it in the most beneficial way for different personality types.


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CryRx recently launched a blog focused on self-help for people to understand how to cope with daily stresses and generic anxiety. The blog is a space to learn some more and tap into extra content outside of the app.

CryRx’s intends to launch shortly, with the Crystal bot soon to be available for downloads on the app store. To sign up for the wait list, users may enlist on Here at CryRx, we are also in the midst of developing a psychologist directory for hotline calls and panic attack scenarios.


What’s good to know about Momachi

Momachi is a junior pursuing a degree in Media and Data Analytics, which is the study of statistics, communication and technology in the digital era. She is also the Founder & CEO of CryRx, a digital mental wellness platform. After she graduates, Momachi hopes to continue exploring diverse cultures across the world while bringing her entrepreneurial spirit to life. She also hopes to continue the hunt for those sadly neglected, but wonderfully hip cafes in the city (not Starbucks)!