The IdeasVoice Blog
Ideas, tips & great projects

Club MoovJee Paris Workshop November 2012

November 14, 2012

Club MoovJee Paris – IDEASVOICE leads a hands-on workshop on the theme: creative social network and co-working the 14 november 2012

For this 4th meeting of the Club Moovjee Paris, IDEASVOICE with a young jeune entrepreneur share with you their experience on how social network for entrepreneur and co-working can help you in your project.

Come to speak about your ideas and share the best practices. We will be happy to assist you in achieving your project.


Le Moovjee

Movement for Students and Young Entrepreneurs, the Moovjee has for mission to encourage young people to consider the creation and transfer of business at the end of their studies as a real option of working life. 

Its action focuses on three areas: Mentoring, The Price Moovjee – innovate together and the community.