#cupofideasvoice – Bitcoins – Entrepreneurs meet Cofounders – 1 Dec
October 23, 2014
Entrepreneurs and future co-founders/business partners meet up for lunch on the 1st December 2014 in Paris for projects using BITCOINS

BITCOINS : fad or opportunity for growth?
On the 1st of December 2014, Special BITCOINS picnic for matchmaking between entrepreneurs and those wishing to join a startup !
In the wake of the opportunities of globalization, we dedicate this CUP OF IDEASVOICE to entrepreneurs who are looking for co-founders / business partners, and who use or plan to use BITCOINS as payment system.
Entrepreneurs will tell us :
- Why this choice ?
- What are the advantages for theirs companies ?
- What precautions to take?
- Is it an advantage in attracting the best?
For this special session, BITCOINS experts join us.
Are you a FOUNDER developing a Solution or a Service using Bitcoins ?
Are you looking for a co-founder who is engineer, CTO, manager, business developer, CFO ?
Register to present your project to the attendees!
If you post your project on the website before the 10th of November, IdeasVoice will talk about it in its community.
Are you a future CO-FOUNDER with technical, finance or business skills ?
Are you willing to join an innovative project with BITCOINS and to be committed in a startup ?
Attend our event !
Have you already implemeted a payment system with BITCOINS ?
Do you know DO and DON’T when using BITCOINS as a payment system for a Startup ?
Attend to our event to share your experience with entrepreneurs ! Some of them might need your advice.
(Twitter hashtag : #cupofideasvoice)
Register to CUP OF IDEASVOICE 1 December – PARIS – 15€ (Free for our Premium Members) (30€ with a “Formule Sandwich”)