« For all, creation should become an ambition, invention a requirement, a new necessity!  »

Lignes d’horizon (1992), Jacques Attali


Patricia EgardPatricia Egard, CEO Graduate from Dauphine, HEC, and Chartered Accountant, Patricia Egard has a solid experience in Audit and Consulting in fields of Finance and Insurance.
She pledged to support innovative projects with the cluster « Finance Innovation ».
3 strategic levers are essential for successful business project: the idea, the team and funding.
Wanting to promote entrepreneurship by creating an enabling environment for rapid start and internationalization of startups and businesses, Patricia founded IDEASVOICE to connect entrepreneurs with their future business partners, co-founders with complementary skills across the world.
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Jan-Willem Verhees, CTO
Jan-Willem is an Engineer from University Eindhoven, NL with a with a Specialization in Embedded Systems. He started as
project manager in Russia and Ukraine as the pivot between the Dutch customers and the Russian/Ukrainian development team. Then, he launched his own company Orange Sputnik to provide IT offshore services.
He is a co-founder of IDEASVOICE. His mission is to set-up the IT strategy, implement it and manage our international IT team. He is enjoying the start-up world and working in a cross-cultural environment. He believes that more you are busy with a start-up, the more it gets clear that a good partner/cofounder is important.


MarcMarc Bloch, R&D Marc Bloch is an Engineer from Mines Saint Etienne, France and has a PhD in computer science. After 10 years in R&D, Marc was appointed as VP, Development and IT, for a large technical consultancy company, working for aerospace and military markets. In 2000, he decided it was worth participating in launching and developing startups, and has now more than 15 years of extensive experience, as CTO / CIO in succesful IT companies.Today, he has his own consulting firm, working on innovative projects to help them grow. Marc Bloch works on the technical choices and the research work of IDEASVOICE